TITANS S4 | Official Trailer



Titans (2018 - 2023)

Titans follows young heroes from across the DC Universe as they come of age and find belonging in a gritty take on the classic Teen Titans franchise.

Titans (2018 TV series)

Based on the DC Comics superhero team Teen Titans, the series depicts a group of young heroes who join forces in their fight against evil. Titans season 4 · Titans season 1 · List of Titans characters · Titans season 3

TITANS (@dctitans) • Instagram photos and videos

TV show it all ends in blood. the final episodes of #dctitans are now streaming, only on @streamonmax. www.max.com/titans

Titans (Prime Earth) - DC Database

The Titans are made up of ex-members of the Teen Titans who were originally brought together by Nightwing to investigate the cause of their conflicting memories ...

Titans (TV Series 2018–2023)

評分 7.5/10 (115,392) Dick and Rachel, a girl possessed by a strange darkness, get embroiled in a conspiracy that could bring Hell on Earth. Titans · Episode list · Series Cast & Crew · Teagan Croft

Titans Wiki

Titans follows a group of young heroes from across the DC Universe as they come of age and fight evil in a darker take on the classic Teen Titans narrative.


Made up of familiar young heroes and superpowered youths such as Raven, Starfire, and Beast Boy, the Titans are first and foremost an extended family of friends ...


評分 89% (95) This gritty take on the Teen Titans franchise follows young heroes from across the DC Universe as they come of age and find where they belong. Titans: Season 4 · Season 3 · Season 1 · Season 2


《泰坦》(英語:Titans)是一部美國的超級英雄電視劇,改編自DC漫畫《少年悍將》,由阿奇瓦·高斯曼、傑夫·強斯和葛瑞格·貝蘭提開發製作,布蘭頓·思懷茲飾演的羅賓為團隊領導 ...


泰坦(Titans)是美国DC漫画旗下的超级英雄团队,基本由少年泰坦(Teen Titans)的前任成员组成。泰坦首次出现于《美国正义联盟/泰坦》第1期(1998年12月),由德文·格雷森和菲 ...


TitansfollowsyoungheroesfromacrosstheDCUniverseastheycomeofageandfindbelonginginagrittytakeontheclassicTeenTitansfranchise.,BasedontheDCComicssuperheroteamTeenTitans,theseriesdepictsagroupofyoungheroeswhojoinforcesintheirfightagainstevil.Titansseason4·Titansseason1·ListofTitanscharacters·Titansseason3,TVshowitallendsinblood.thefinalepisodesof#dctitansarenowstreaming,[email protected]....


